Who will get to the top of Mount Dragon first? Blaze and AJ need help to speed past Crusher's obstacles to win the Dragon Island Duel!
This game will outstand you, boys, and we say boys because it's a car racing game and well, let's face it, there are few girls that love to play cars games, especially racing cars, and you boys sure do have the skills to play this kind of games. We uploaded this game category for boys, and the first game from this category is called Blaze Dragon Island Race. Blaze and his best friend AJ were challenged by their rival, Crusher, on a race along the dangerous Dragon Island, but Crusher is not playing fair, using cheat tips, so, your two best friends, Blaze and AJ are really counting on your help. You have to watch out for the obstacles such as big rocks and oil puddles, and on your way up to the top try to collect as many red flags as possible in order to beat Crusher.
Önce kim Mount Dragon’un tepesine çıkacak? Blaze ve AJ'nin, Crusher'ın Dragon Island Düello'yu kazanmadaki engellerini aşması için yardıma ihtiyacı var!
Bu oyun size üstün gelecek çocuklar, ve biz çocuklar diyoruz, çünkü bu bir araba yarış oyunu ve bakalım, yüzleşelim, araba oyunları oynamayı seven birkaç kız var, özellikle de yarış arabaları ve çocuklarınız kesinlikle oynayabilecek yetenekleriniz var. bu tür oyunlar. Bu oyun kategorisini erkekler için yükledik ve bu kategorideki ilk oyuna Blaze Dragon Island Yarışı deniyor. Blaze ve en iyi arkadaşı AJ, tehlikeli Ejder Adası'ndaki bir yarışta rakipleri olan Crusher tarafından zorlandı, ancak Crusher, hileli ipuçlarını kullanarak adil davranmıyor, bu yüzden en iyi iki arkadaşınız, Blaze ve AJ gerçekten sizin yardımınıza güveniyor . Büyük kayalar ve yağ birikintileri gibi engellere dikkat etmek zorundasınız ve tepeye giderken Crusher'ı yenmek için mümkün olduğunca çok sayıda kırmızı bayrak toplamaya çalışın.
Who will get to the top of Mount Dragon first? Blaze and AJ need help to speed past Crusher's obstacles to win the Dragon Island Duel!
This game will outstand you, boys, and we say boys because it's a car racing game and well, let's face it, there are few girls that love to play cars games, especially racing cars, and you boys sure do have the skills to play this kind of games. We uploaded this game category for boys, and the first game from this category is called Blaze Dragon Island Race. Blaze and his best friend AJ were challenged by their rival, Crusher, on a race along the dangerous Dragon Island, but Crusher is not playing fair, using cheat tips, so, your two best friends, Blaze and AJ are really counting on your help. You have to watch out for the obstacles such as big rocks and oil puddles, and on your way up to the top try to collect as many red flags as possible in order to beat Crusher.